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Nkomanani residents demand a bridge

Community members of Nkomanini (xincilanini) in Nkowankowa, are demanding a bridge to access the township. During the rainy season, residents struggle to access the main township to get transport, health services, shops, and schools.

According to a resident, they have been raising the matter with their ward councillor, Norman Mkansi, who has, according to her, brushed off their requests. “Our pleas to our councillor for a bridge have fallen on deaf eyes. “With the recent rains, in order for us to get a taxi to work or school, we have to take off our shoes, fold our clothes and hold our bags carefully in order to cross to the other side.


“We cannot continue like this, as our children get to school wet and we often look untidy after crossing,” the resident explained. Meanwhile, the councillor, admitted that the bridge was a challenge. He said that two low-water bridges are planned for the area in the IDP for the upcoming financial year. However, it has not been budgeted yet, he said.

Also read: Community decides to build own bridge after plea goes unanswered

According to him, the bridges are supposed to be built in the xincilanini and
near Bright Morning Star. Mkansi also said that they were currently busy with household electrification and apollo lights and believe after that, the bridges will be a priority in the area. The Herald contacted the Greater Tzaneen Municipality (GTM) for comment. GTM said they were looking into ways to assist the community.

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