School wins for best meal in South Africa

Madjadji Primary School in Selwane recently won the 2022/23 national school nutrition program (NSNP) award for the best daily meals.

As part of the win, they walked away with a state-of-the-art kitchen, worth R800 000, donated by the Tiger Brands Foundation. All the schools were judged on excellence, innovation, and dedication in the successful implementation of the NSNP program based on their guidelines. Mary Mokgalaka, principal of the school, said she is over the moon with the win. “It is an overwhelming feeling, we have put in a lot of work into it and it has paid off.

“The money has already been allocated to building the kitchen,” she said. One of the things which made Madjadji stand out is its own vegetable garden and orchard which supplements the food they receive from the government. Produce from the garden is shared with the community and some produce is sold in order to generate funds. The funds are used to buy more food for the school to cook balanced meals for the children.

Also read: Nkowankowa circuit awards excellence

“We identified less-privileged families and supply them with food parcels from the surplus, that way we are assured our learners are fed after school hours,” says Mokgalaka. She said the school has its own spaza shop which also helps to generate funds to replace utensils and other requirements. She added that hygiene is a priority. “When it comes to feeding learners, we make sure we provide a clean environment. Time management is also crucial, as learners must be fed on time and no one has to miss their meals,” Mokgalaka concluded.

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