‘Don’t hide disabled in your home’

“Take them out.” This was the message of the physically-challenged Sagwadi Mokoena from Kgapane to learners at Risinga High School in Giyani Section-D2 recently.

The 21-year-old walks on his knees and his hands are partially deformed. Yet, despite his physical limitations, he has produced a film where he was the scriptwriter and the director of the production. “We have just produced a movie called ‘Losing Onika,’ something which I would not have achieved if my mom had locked me inside the house for fear that I would embarrass her,” he said. “A physical challenge is not
an inability to think, people can always use the power of their minds to do wonders.

So please do not hide disabled people inside your home, take them out and let them explore the world,” he continued, urging the learners to not allow themselves to be limited by their situations at home. “Whatever you do today, don’t let your challenges at home be your disability or hindrance to what you want to achieve in life. “There is a lot that one can do, even with physical limitations like myself, because what works in this world is not the physical ability of the body but that of the brain,” he said. According to him, the movie, which will be screened for the first time in Kgapane on February 24, addresses the abuse of women.

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Reginah Nghunyule, the head of corporate and shared services at the Greater Giyani Municipality (GGM), accompanied Mokoena and his team to the school. She supported Mokoena’s message and said that working hard was the key to success. “In life, there are many obstacles that would constantly knock you down. The tricky part is knowing how to get up and move on again once you are down. No matter how many times you fall, you should always be able to get up, dust yourself off and go on,” she said.

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