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Hoedspruit Rotarians proud of successful and exciting first online auction fundraiser

About a year ago Rotary Hoedspruit decided to venture into online auctioning as a fundraiser for their next exciting community project.

The team worked hard and talked to various members of the Hoedspruit community to source lots for the auction. Before long the Rotarians were stunned by the generosity of the community donating such an unusual selection of items to auction. A night for two and a superb breakfast at Safari Moon where Tom Cruise took up residence during filming recently courtesy of Nicola Leitch, two exquisite glass vases from Bianca Black at KUKU purchased by Christine Du Preez, a wonderful selection of paintings (still to be auctioned), an early morning nature walk with Professor Wayne Twine, dinner for two at the romantic Manor House, a gift from Trevor Jordan, and a game drive and dinner at the luxurious Kings Camp courtesy Haley and Warren Cooper were a few of the highlighted lots.

“We honestly have to admit that the club had no knowledge of how to run an online auction but Rotarian Sabine Gemmal did some research and set us on our way,” says Lovelle Henderson. “We soon felt quite enthusiastic as the online platform got sorted and certainly when the auction donations started to arrive, logged and monitored by club Secretary Monika Golightly. We suddenly felt we could do it and the momentum was on a roll,” Henderson explains.

“We set our auction date and Rhian Twine designed and prepared a suitable online prospectus describing all the wonderful items which were to be auctioned and allocating a reserve price, below which a lot could not be sold,” says Henderson. “At this stage, excitement was rising at a pace and our members started dreaming about how much the lots they had sourced would raise on the day,” says Henderson. She said that their next big task was to ensure that they advertised the event and that everyone they could think of in their address books knew about the auction.

Also read: Manderson inducted again as 4th female Rotary president in Hoedies

“And then the day arrived and the ‘Operations Room’ was set up on Rhian’s dining room table. Active bidding commenced immediately helping the team to ‘up’ the final prices of items, remembering that all the money raised was going to a good Rotary cause. There was great excitement and much banter in the operations room among the auctioneers, Rotarians Wilana Manderson, Rhian Twine, and David Bertram whose cool head and expert time keeping was great moral support. When the going got tough double scoops of delicious ice cream were served,” Henderson added.

After an exhilarating five hours of auction fun and after the final tally the Rotarians were all ecstatic as the funds raised by the auction far exceeded their expectations. “It was so successful that Fourways Main Reef Rotary Club sent the following message to the Hoedspruit Rotarians: “Your auction was very well run, very entertaining, and a great experience. They want us to teach them how to run their own event. In the end, as soon as the funds are placed in our bank account the lots are released or vouchers explaining the winning bids are sent to each participant,” Henderson concluded.

The date for the online auction of the paintings is not yet set but according to Henderson, it is expected to take place in the first quarter of 2023.

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