Mathabatha reshuffles Limpopo cabinet twice in four months

This was all done with the aim of bettering service delivery to the people of the province.

In less than four months, Limpopo Premier, Stanley Mathabatha, reshuffles his cabinet yet again.
According to a statement issued by the office of the premier, this was all done with the aim of bettering service delivery to the people of the province.
The provincial government officially announced that three MEC’s will no longer serve in the the Executive Council on Thursday last week.

Thandi Morake, was ousted from her position as the MEC for Sports, Arts and Culture and replaced by Nakedi Sibanda-Kekana.
Dickson Masemola’s position as the MEC for Social Development was taken by Nandi Ndalane and Polly Boshielo was ousted as the MEC for Transport and Community Safety by Florence Radzilana.

Also read: Premier reshuffles Limpopo cabinet

Thabo Mokone was moved from the Department of Limpopo Economic Development, Enterprise and Tourism (LEDET) to the Department Agriculture and Rural Development.
As a result the following MEC’s keep their positions, Dr Phopi Ramathuba for the Department of Health; Seaparo Sekwati, for the Provincial Treasury; Nkakareng Rakgoale for Department of Roads and Public Works; Mavhungu Leruli-Ramakhanya for Department of Education Basikopo Makamo for COGSTHA.

Monama and Sibanda-Kekana were sworn into their new roles last Friday. Radzilana was only sworn in, on Tuesday, as she was outside the country when the others were officially appointed.
Meanwhile MEC Sibanda-Kekana responding to questions about her alleged involvement in the VBS saga whilst she was still Mayor of Lepelle-Nkumpi Municipality, said she has subjected herself to the rule of law and has not been found wanting to date.

“I want to indicate vividly that the premier has done a lot of consequence management on the matter and there are law enforcement agencies that are hard at work to ensure that those who are found to be on the wrong side of the law are brought to book,” she said.
On June 29, Mathabatha had reshuffled his cabinet, Boshielo was moved from education to transport, after swamping places with Mavhungu Leruli-Ramakhanya.

Masemola was moved to social development and Nkakareng moved to public works after exchanging positions. Meanwhile the ANC caucus in the province congratulated the premier for discharging his prerogative of reconfiguring his cabinet.
“The appointment of Rodgers Monama, that the ANC Caucus has to embark on a rigorous process of identifying a new Chairperson of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts – Scopa.

“Caucus has to conduct a similar exercise to fill the vacancy created by Tshitereke Matibe’s deployment, as the new Deputy Speaker of the Provincial Legislature. Matibe was the Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Health, he replaces Jerry Ndou who has been deployed to the National Council of Provinces, alongside Masemola.

The Caucus looks forward to tapping into the wisdom of Tebogo Mamorobela and Lilliet Mamaregane, whose inclusion into the Provincial Legislature, from the National Council of Provinces, will be a ‘shot in the arm’, because of their enormous exposure to the Country’s highest level of governance – the National Council of Provinces,” the caucus explained in the press statement.

Meanwhile the party also said they eagerly await to use the skill and familiarity, of both Polly Boshielo and Thandi Moraka, whose tenure into the executive will help it to discharge its oversight mandate.

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