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‘Beautification’ of Modjadjiskloof vandalised

The brand new signage that marks the entrance of Modjadjiskloof from Mooketsi was vandalised on Monday or Tuesday morning.

It was first noticed by the Herald’s reporter on Tuesday morning at about 07:30, the words ‘R2Mil TENDER’ and what appears to resemble an incorrectly copied neo-Nazi ‘Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging’ (AWB) triskelion is sprawled across the portrait of the late Rain Queen, Makobo Modjadji.

The Herald contacted the AWB head office and was referred to Brig Pieter Steyn, member and spokesperson of the AWB who confirmed that it was not an AWB triskelion in the graffiti. He verified that the AWB members in the area were not involved in this incident. Sgt Vincent Montsha, media liaison for Modjadjiskloof SAPS said that a case of vandalism has not yet been opened at the station at the time of going to press.

Also read: R2.7M GLM tender for ‘beautification’

Lovers Sibanda, spokesperson for the Greater Letaba Municipality (GLM) said: “Please note that we are deeply saddened by the vandalism on the project. We seriously condemn these actions. The contractor will be opening a case on the issue. We definitely feel there was a need because this is a project that we feel can attract tourists.”

The Democratic Alliance’s Matome Serumula, PR councilor at the GLM said: “Wow, indeed people are not happy with the amount that was used to construct this beautification project.” Serumula is still formulating the formal letter he plans to send to the Public Protector regarding this project and the alleged accompanying mismanagement of funds.

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