Years of empty promises from Road Agency Limpopo

Empty promises of the rehabilitation of the Eiland road that has been in a dire condition for many years, have left residents, farmers and holidaymakers using the road discouraged.

Last year the Herald reported on plans the Road Agency Limpopo (RAL) had to repair the road as it was earmarked “to receive upgrades after the new financial year with various options being looked at”. These plans however seems to have halted. Herald contacted RAL spokesperson, Maropeng Manyathela, on the progress of the road since last reporting on it. “A consultant has been appointed and is currently busy with the designs for Road P43/3 from Selwane to Eiland. The project has been assigned project number T990,” he said. This was exactly the same response given last year.

Herald journalist used the road on Friday, March 25, and although it seemed that there was repairs carried out recently, the workmanship was substandard with the road remaining extremely bumpy. Residents say that driving on the road in a small car has become almost impossible. “Ducking and weaving through potholes has become a way of life for motorists and residents using the Eiland road as upgrades have stalled,” said Andrew Malabela, a resident who uses the road often.

Also read: Busy Eiland road is worsening

“The busy road sees major traffic on a daily basis which worsens when the citrus farms located nearby are harvesting with tractors and trucks moving back and forth. “The potholes become invisible when it rains and fill up with water. It is dangerous if you do not know the road well. Chances are high that it will damage your car. He said emergency personnel also have to be re-directed to the Giyani road because the Eiland road has become impassable. “I also had damage on my bumper after hitting one of the deep potholes. “The ‘sinkhole’ that formed on the road also has not been repaired and farmers had to create an alternative route around it.

“It should not have to be like this,” he said. The Herald also enquired about D3234, the road from Shimange to Jokong which was started in 2008 and later abandoned. “D3234 was started under the gundo-lasho initiative. About 4.33km was completed and a remaining 6km stretch was planned to continue in 2013. “However, due to funds running out, the project was discontinued. The road has since been re-prioritised under advisement of the Mopani District Municipality as priority number 7 to be upgraded. “Presently there is no budget over the present MTEF (medium term expenditure framework) period for the project. “The latest site inspection showed that the project of upgrading the road will require an estimated amount of R60m for the 6km,” he added.

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