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Nkowankowa asked to unite against drug and substance abuse

The desire and passion of Vukosi Shivonivoni to see Nkowankowa free from substance abuse led him to host an anti-drug 10km walk on Saturday, March 11.

According to the 26-year-old, the main objective of the demonstration was to encourage the community to unite against the rise of drugs in the neighbourhood. “Many of our young people, both male, and female are slaves to drugs. “The sad part about it is that most of them had a bright future ahead of them.

“This is no longer about lack of employment, there is so much that these youngsters can do with their lives, but for some reason, they have resorted to substance abuse. “Unfortunately once you are hooked, there is no way out and the only way out is through rehab, which is expensive,” he said.

Vukosi Shivonivoni

He stated that on the streets of the township and the neighbouring villages, nyaope and crystal meth are the drugs most used. Shivonivoni, who is a full-time fitness trainer, is also part of the local patrollers who move around cleaning the area from drugs.

“Recently during our patrol, we found eight young and beautiful girls prostituting themselves for drugs, “These girls do sex work in order to feed their drug appetite and my heart sank after seeing the state they were in,” he added. He calls on the community to stop turning a blind eye to this social ill.

Also read: Help Itumeleng eradicate drugs

He says he is working on opening skills and creative centre where they can provide a space for youngsters to express themselves without turning to substance abuse. “If you don’t act against it, because your child is not using, don’t think he or she might not turn to it in the years to come.

“Even if your children are well-behaved kids, you might fall victim to the addicts as they might break into your house to steal your television to pay for their next fix. “Let’s wake up Nkowankowa and surrounding areas,” he concluded. For more information contact

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