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Signs to look out for if your child or friend is using drugs

South Africa is currently experiencing an influx and use of drugs.

Our children have became liabilities and poses a serious threat to family members and the community at large due to the abuse of these drugs.

Drugs that are easy to obtain and used are: Marijuana/dagga, crystal meths, heroin, nyaope, and cat.

Here are the signs you should look for if your child has started using drugs:

• Mood swings and change in personality.

• Sullen, withdrawn or depressed.

• Lack motivation.

• Silent, uncommunicative, hostile, angry, uncooperative.

• Deceitful or secretive.

• Unable to focus.

• A sudden loss of inhibitions.

• Hyperactive or unusually elated.

Also read: Signs your teenager could be using drugs

• Changed relationships with family members or friends.

• Absenteeism or a loss of interest in school, work or other activities.

• Avoids eye contact. • lock doors

• Disappears for long periods of time.

• Goes out often, frequently breaking curfew.

• Secretive with the use of their phone.

• Makes endless excuses.

• Uses chewing gum or mints to cover up breath.

• Often uses over-the-counter preparations to reduce eye reddening or nasal irritation.

• Has cash flow problems.

• Has become unusually clumsy: stumbling, lacking coordination, poor balance.

• Has periods of sleeplessness or high energy, followed by long periods of “catch up” sleep.

After you noticed one of the above-mentioned signs, prepare for the direct confrontation communication with your child to clear the facts and approach relevant institutions for help.

Compiled by Lt Col Mamphaswa Seabi

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