Lekukela is first Rain King in 200 years

The late Rain Queen, Makobo Modjadji’s son, Prince Lekukela Modjadji (24), will be the first Rain King in 200 years after being appointed king of the Bolobedu nation, 16 years after his mother’s death.

The government recognised the Balobedu Queenship in 2016, paving the way for Lekukela’s 16-year-old sister, Masalanabo, to become Rain Queen VII.

His appointment came as a shock to many who expected Masalanabo to ascend to the throne when she turns 18.

The heir to the Balobedu throne has been matrilineal and all heirs are referred to as rain queens.

The queenship dates back to the 1800’s when Maselekwane became queen and ruled the tribe between 1800 and 1854.

In the announcement letter which was released on Friday and was written in the Khelobedu language, the Balobedu Royal Council said Masalanabo would become khadi-kholo (great aunt) in the Balobedu royal family.

In 2016, former president Jacob Zuma officially recognised the Balobedu as the first queenship in the country, after the apartheid government relegated them to chieftaincy in 1972.

Also read: WATCH: ‘This is a historic occasion,’ said President Ramaphosa during Queenship celebration

Masalanabo, then aged 11, was expected to take over after her mother and become Queen Modjadji the 7th, immediately after turning 18. A ceremony to celebrate her queenship was officially held in 2018 and President Cyril Ramaphosa was one of the dignitaries.

There was a custody battle between the Balobedu people and Masalanabo’s father, who (it was reported) had taken her away immediately after her mother’s death in 2005, whereby ANC MP Mathole Motshekga intervened to help solve the dispute as he was once an advisor to the Balobedu Royal Council.

The father was granted temporary custody of the child by the Randburg Magistrate’s Court.

Masalanabo has since been attending school and living with the Motshekga family in Gauteng.

The teenager visits her royal home during school holidays to learn the customs and practices as the designated “rainmaker” of the Balobedu.

The Modjadji Royal Council will inaugurate Prince Lekukela Modjadji as the next ruler of the Balobedu nation.

The Balobedu nation is known to be led by Modjadji queens who are famous for rainmaking customs.

The nation had not had a male monarch in 200 years. Lekukela will be inaugurated on 1 October 2022.

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