Vusi and Nyiko pleads for God’s mercy through their new single

The Covid-19 second wave may have caused chaos globally, but it has also produced some good music too.

Gospel artist, Vusimuzi Mboweni, was one artist who asked for divine intervention through his music.

He released ‘Lord have Mercy’ on which he featured local gospel star, Nyiko Muhlari, who also worked on the production of the single.

“The song was inspired by the scripture in 2 Chronicles 7v14, which reads ‘if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land.

“During this time I realised that my friends and family were going through difficult times because of the virus and that we needed God’s hand upon our lives,” Mboweni explained.

Vusi Mboweni.

The mathematics teacher, husband and a father of two, says he has more singles that are on the way, but he is waiting for the right time to release them.

Also read: Vusimuzi releases two life changing debut singles

Some of the songs include ‘Lord I need you’ and ‘You are God’. In 2020 Mboweni released two hits that are already popular on radio, ‘Loko yeso ari na hina’ and ‘Ndzi ta famba na yeso’.

His music journey started at a tender age and he has since then not looked back.

He joined the school choir at Mbangwa Primary School in Bonn village outside Letsitele and has since sang in various choirs, he said.

He has also worked with big names in the industry, such as Kenny Shivambu and many others.

He told the Herald that he plans to formally launch his album (with a collection of his songs) live with friends, family and other music lovers later this year.

Follow him on: Facebook page: Vusimusi Mboweni Music. Twitter :Vusimuzi Mboweni, Youtube: Vusimuzi Mboweni and call him on 083 674 8258.

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