Aggy believes Covid-19 is not a death sentence

“Covid-19 is not a death sentence, people can still beat it and recover from the virus.”

These are the words of social media butterfly, Aggy Mabedlhe, who believes that with the right support and medication, people can conquer the sickness.

‘Queen of the Mainhouse’ as she is affectionately known to her followers is talking from experience after her husband, Richard and son, Vutomi, tested positive in December last year.

She told the Herald that at first she was scared but had to quickly change her mindset in order to be strong for her family.

“The battle is in the mind, when it comes to this disease.

“The mind plays a big role in winning or losing the fight, if you tell yourself that you won’t make it then you won’t.

“On the day we received the news that my husband had tested positive, the mental mind games began for me.

“All of a sudden I started having symptomps, my mind automatically told me that I had also contracted it.

“A few days later my results came back negative,” she explained.

Also read: Queen of the main house thrives

Prior to the ordeal the couple had discussed what they would do if one of them ever get sick and agreed that they will fight it together at home.

The pair, with their daughter Kulani, isolated themselves and stayed at home for two weeks not stepping outside once.

Vutomi did the same, but in his own home.

The Mabedlhes had a daily routine which included steaming twice a day, drinking hot water with lemon and ginger and taking supplements such as zinc and Vitamin C amongst others.

Richard also did breathing exercises and took walks in their big yard for fresh air.

Kulani, Richard and Aggy Mabedlhe.

“I decided I was going to take care of my husband without me moving out of our bedroom.

“I opted to sleep on the floor so that I was able to monitor his progress especially at night.

“I was scared he might get an attack at night and I would be fast asleep in the other room,” she said. After two weeks the couple went back to the doctor to retest and the results came back negative for both of them.

She however warns that you don’t regain your health immediately after being declared virus free.

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Richard still experiences shortness of breath and other signs of the virus.

“Our advice is that people must start telling positive stories especially to those that have the virus in order to uplift their spirits.

“Even if you hear of people dying, try to motivate your loved ones that are still fighting for their lives, don’t give them news of other people who have succumbed to the virus.

People must not hide that they are sick.

After a loved one has recovered or passed away, deep clean the house in order to protect other people,” she added.

She further added that the experience has drawn them closer together, because they now appreciate each other more.

Apart from her job at Eskom as a construction site supervisor and heading Xihlovo Events and Xihlovo Packaging, she is a relationship coach on Gongomela on ML FM and a motivational speaker on Power Talk FM.

In February she will be donating school shoes in the Limpopo Province and she calls on more people to help by donating more shoes.

Follow her on social media: Aggy Mabedlhe Mainhouse and for donations call 071 300 0300.

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