ZZ2 employee drowns in dam

Police in Tshamutumbu near Tshipise are investigating an inquest case following the drowning of a 32-year-old foreign national employee of ZZ2.

The incident occurred on Friday 2 October at about 11:00. It is alleged that the deceased was busy repairing a pipeline inside a reservoir with other employees when their boat unexpectedly started to sink.

His colleagues allegedly managed to swim safely to the shore and called for assistance. Unfortunately, he was not able to rescue himself and subsequently drowned.

Police divers were summoned to the scene and retrieved his body from the dam.

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It is not known whether the employees were wearing life jackets. Clive Garrett of ZZ2 said they are investigating the incident and will provide Herald with a report when completed.

Upon going to press the report was not yet available.

The police investigation is continuing.

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