When foodies come together, things start to happen

When times got tough during the corona pandemic, local producers of fresh and homemade food products in Magoebaskloof got their collective act together.

Realising that they will need to pool expenses, they started a cooperative called Mountain Foodies.

Teri Willson of Cicadas Local is one of the driving forces behind the initiative.

She and her husband Mike are small-scale farmers producing mostly micro-greens for lodges, restaurants and hotels.

They also supply OK Sugarhill in Tzaneen. In addition to micro greens, they farm with oyster mushrooms and gooseberries.

“Our business came to a total standstill during lockdown and it has been really hard for small producers in our area,” says Teri.

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However, covid forced them to pull together and start to share expenses such as delivery costs and thus Mountain Foodies was born.

Producers who have joined Mountain Foodies are Mina’s who supply amongst other things vegan burger patties, Magriet’s Fine Food who does homemade rusks and cakes, Wegraakbosch with dairy products and fresh vegetables, Fresh from the Farm who does avocados as well as macadamia and pecan nut oils, Honey Mama with her 100% raw honey, Bao Mayo (a mayonnaise made from baobab seeds by Teri) and as well as Teri and Mike’s Cicadas Local micro greens.

Twice a week orders are delivered to Tzaneen and to Polokwane to a central point where the goods are collected.

Teri and Mike met as students at Rhodes University.

They settled in Johannesburg, but shortly afterwards took jobs on a yacht where they worked for six years while travelling the world.

“Mike grew up in this area and during one of our visits we met the young and vibrant community of Magoebaskloof at a braai. I then told Mike I would love to come and settle here when we decide to start a family.” Two years ago they bought a nine hectare farm in the Zwakala vicinity.

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“Our farming venture has been a learning curve. Micro greens are very sensitive.

In summer, when it gets too hot, they wilt easily and you can lose a crop within a few hours.”

They have built a green house and have adjusted the design to accommodate weather conditions.

“The micro greens, which include peas, broccoli radish, peas, Daikon Sango, red cabbage and broccoli take 10 to 14 days to mature before they are picked and packed for our customers.

“Their nutritional value is phenomenal and a small portion is equivalent to eating a full plate.”

In drawing the produce together, visitors to self-catering accommodation in Magoebaskloof can enjoy an array of locally produced produce when visiting the area.

“We stock their fridges with local produce with everything they might need before they arrive, from breakfast to local beer and gin. They only have to open their fridge and everything will be there,” she says.

Find them on their website www.cicadas-local.co.za or Instagram: Cicadas_local & Mountain_foodies.

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