Gallery: Youth Summit grows from strength to strength

The Bolobedu Youth Leadership Summit (BYLS) has been offering a platform for the youth in and around Tzaneen to gather and share ideas, motivation and to inspire one another for the past three years.

A local upcoming youth-led organization is inspired with the success of an event to uplift the youth in and around Bolobedu.

Bolobedu Youth Leadership Summit (BYLS) hosted the event on Monday, December 23 for the third year running.

The summit aims to changing the livelihood of the youth residing in and around Bolobedu through structures set up by the youth, for the youth.

ALSO READ: TZANEEN: Youth in the driving seat to bring changes in their communities

MC’s Bridget Mohale and Lekkersweet kept the attendees in stitches with their hosting skills, ensuring that everyone had a memorable time.


Author and Project coordinator, Eliya Monyela.

Giving a welcoming speech and talking on the growth of the organization, Nthabiseng Maake, manager of BYLS, stated that it had been a wonderful thing to see the summit grow its numbers and that it indicated the type of impact being made.

BYLS participants showcasing beaded products of one of the sponsors, Dironraps Business Enterprise.

“Despite the Bolobedu Youth Leadership Summit being only three years old, its impact proved to be huge and left a mark in over 90 people who came to support us on the 23rd of December 2019 and get empowered in the process.”

She further spoke of the challenges that were faced in terms of putting together the summit.

“Like any other event we hosted in the past, this one was no different when it comes to challenges and mistakes were made. However, we were able to move past the challenges as a team, come with solutions to remedy the problems faced, and analyse the situations for us to implement strategies to allow us to have a successful event.”

BYLS manager, Nthabiseng Maake with local artist, Omee Otis during his awarding for the work he does in local communities.

To show just how much of an impact the organization has, various upcoming and well-known local personalities were invited to the event to speak on their experiences in their different career industries.

The likes of Hip Hop artist, Omee Otis; poet, Kagiso Mohlaloganyi; authors, Eliya Monyela and Victor Seshoka; founders, Sharmaine Manabalala and Ralph Sedutla are amongst those who graced the event.

Founder of ‘I Am The Future’ Foundation, Sharmaine Manabalala.

Performances were given by local artists such as Icon LaMaf and Dika SA as well as comedy acts by Hurricane Percy and Itumeleng ‘Biggie’ Mohale.

As a way to encourage the youth to not give up on their dreams, the event had an art performance competition with three categories, namely; poetry which was won by Jessica Monyela, singing which was won by Obakeng Magoro and dance which was won by Sydney Mohlaloganyo.

ALSO READ: Local community organisations receive funding

Omee Otis was later awarded with a certificate for his contribution around Bolobedu with his school tours which set out to help the less fortunate and encourage them to stay in school.

BYLS thanked all those who attended and their sponsors alike to having helped in making the day a successful one.

The event, which was organised by the BYLS team’s Evans Serumula, Karabo Sekgale, Foster Mataga and Nthabiseng Maake will be hosted again on Wednesday, December 23 still at Mashutti Country Lodge.

See gallery below:

Photos: RefinedllKhepharGraphy.

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