Minitzani gets a face lift

Every bit of help coming to them has made them believe in the possibility of truly transforming Tzaneen from what it is.

Indeed all it takes is a single person with courage to arise a spirit of giving amongst others.

Zantelle Ras and her husband SJ Ras have since having started their project to restore Tzaneen to its former glory, received help from the likes of Premium Sand and Stones for sand that will be used to patch up some areas of the park.

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The project started as an outcry by Ras to the community of Tzaneen and since her plea, the community has been coming together to lend a helping hand where it is most needed.

Letaba Herald was at the park when the sand got delivered and it was a beautiful sight to see as it meant that the project is being well invested in by the community. SJ Ras told Herald that it was exciting to see things finally coming together.

“This is my wife’s initiative but to be a part of it means so much as things are starting to fall into place now. The whole community is now getting involved and it is great to see this. As it is, we also have someone who has come forward and offered to help us with the roof of one of the play areas and we cannot wait to see how that goes,” he exclaimed. “You won’t believe it.

SJ Ras during the clearing of one of the play areas roof.

“I just had someone call me and tell me that he will be sending men to the park to help us work the ground into where it should be. I am very excited that everything is happening now and that everyone is coming together and helping. It means a great deal to me,” stated Zantelle Ras.

To that effect, on Friday morning, men were sent to the park to go and distribute the sand around the park to the places that needed covering up.

On Sunday, the Ras family was at the park to work on the roofing of the play area, removing the old wood that held the roof together and taking down the old roof that had already started falling apart.

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Every bit of help coming to them has made them believe in the possibility of truly transforming Tzaneen from what it is.

Herald will keep posting updates of the project until it is done.

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