Royal council investigates following allegations of financial misconduct

Bakgaga Ba Maake Tribal Council has ordered an investigation into the bank account of the Bakgaga Community Trust (BCT).

This followed after the financial statement produced during the community meeting last week showed that the bank account of the trust which is responsible for administering funds paid by the developers of Maake Plaza is almost empty.

Despite the property developers paying money into the account of the trust every month, the balance on the statement is less than one month’s payment.

Following the presentation of the bank statement, members of the royal council started accusing members of the BCT of doing as they please with the money which is suppose to benefit the community.

They further accuse them of wasting the community’s money by holding most of their meeting at an expensive hotel in town while the royal council boardroom is available to hold meetings for free.

“We have reason to believe that misappropriation and malpractice has occurred, hence we are calling for forensic investigation,” said a member of the royal family who refused to give his name.

He said they have been given misleading figures on the money spent on the royal house project, which is the only known development project funded from BCT’s bank account. He said they expected transparent and prudent use of funds meant for the community development.

“No public funds should be used to benefit certain individuals. If anyone is found to have acted improperly when dealing with the public funds or committed acts of financial misconduct, they will face the law,” he said.

The chairperson of BET, Chosi Ramodike welcomed the investigation into the finances entrusted to the BCT, saying that they will be vindicated. He added that they will fully cooperate with the investigators. BCT secretary, Changi Bopape vehemently denied that funds have been misappropriated saying they will provide proof of how every cent was spent.

The meeting resolved to appoint an independent financial expert to conduct investigations.

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