
Department ready for mid-year exams

The Department of Education and stakeholders gathered at Sevengwana High School in N'wamitwa Village to find ways to improve the mid-year exams results recently.

The district event was organised and hosted by Xihoko Circuit.

The main purpose of the event was to remind Class of 2019 of the importance of the exams and to seek support from various community leadership structures and educational stakeholders.

They requested church formations to suspend conferences and crusades, make their church buildings available for learners to use during their evening studies, liquor outlets, shebeens, tavern and bottle stores to lower their loud music during this crucial time to our learners.

It was identified as crucial because when they apply for university entrance the Mid year results are needed.

Vision FM Managing Director, Bishop Mlunghisi Erasmus Malungana gave two laptops to two best performed learners in 2018.

Beka Baloyi affectionately known as Nghondwana of Munghana Lonene FM gave the third best performer a voucher to do a driver’s license.

All the learners were from Sevengwana High school in the Xihoko Circuit.

The District Director Phylipine Modika gave the keynote address. Portia Malatji, the young educator at Xihoko Circuit, Nyavana Primary School gave a motivational talk.

Meanwhile the following stakeholders gave a message of support; Kgoshi Modjadji, Hosi Xihoko, PEU and SADTU.

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