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We are not sharing my Valentine’s …

"I view holidays the same way wealthy people view money... wealthy people don't wait for a specific day to do something, they do it whenever they feel like it,"

The day of lovers and celebrating love is slowly creeping in on the entire world, but some people don’t share the same notion when it comes to Valentine’s.

Men have slowly taken a u-turn when it comes to Valentine’s day, as some clearly share the view that it is a day meant to show one another the appreciation they have and not just another day to celebrate women, while others have taken it upon themselves to come up with conferences that take place as of the February 13 until February 16.

With much understanding, the idea behind Valentine’s day has changed over the years.

Women have since taken the front row seats while the men present endless gestures of how much they love their women on the day.

READ MORE: Love yourself this Valentine’s day 

Sunny Mahlaola wrote a post stating how Valentine’s Day isn’t a day where women alone should be celebrated, but much rather a celebration of the love shared between two partners.

According to the early history of Valentine’s Day, as read on www.rosesonly. com.au/what-is-valentines-day, the day stems from a Catholic priest, Saint Valentine, who believed so much in love that even after Emperor Claudius II passed a law preventing Roman soldiers from getting married, he would marry them in secret.

This being an indication of how important love was to him.

But love suddenly seems to know no importance of late…

Many relationships have come to be defined by position and a deep pocket.

It has become more about a matter of maintenance, than it should be about shared feelings.

More and more singles have resorted to spending the day treating themselves the way they would want their partners to treat them, and this can be seen as a gesture that indicates how restoring Valentine’s Day to it’s former glory is something that young couples are up for in this day and age are not quite ready to do, but wish to reap the goodness from it.

The MOPANI HERALD took to the streets to find out what Valentine’s Day meant to people.

Mohale Lebepe said that that Valentine’s Day to him is just a normal day and that he doesn’t feel the pressure to be doing anything special for the day.

“I view holidays the same way wealthy people view money… wealthy people don’t wait for a specific day to do something, they do it whenever they feel like it,” said Lebepe.

For those like myself, Valentine’s Day is yet another excuse to enjoy a good bottle of perfectly chilled dry red wine, over some good RnB music and a relaxing novel to go with the mood.

For all the lovers who still believe in love and the pure essence and importance behind it, one can only hope that the day will be shared with mutual efforts and reciprocated emotions.

From the Herald team, we would like to wish you a Happy Valentine’s Day regardless of the way in which you choose to spend it, or with whom you spend it.

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