When will the Tzaneen Dam be full again?

Numerous concerns about the completion of the dam wall project and the impact it has on water storage...

DEMOCRATIC Alliance MP’s visited the Tzaneen area to gain first hand knowledge of the dire situation that exists with regard to water supply and sewage management.

On Wednesday, September 19, the DA Shadow Minister of Water affairs and Sanitation, Leon Basson, accompanied by DA MP, Desiree van der Walt, paid a visit to Tzaneen.

They met with Louis van Rooyen, Chairman of the Letaba Water User’s Association who has numerous concerns about the completion of the dam wall project and the impact it has on water storage.

Basson, who is an expert in the fields of sewage purification and water management, visited the construction site and familiarised himself with the current status of the project.

Since the demolition phase of the top three metres of the existing wall was completed by the end February, no further activity has taken place and van Rooyen expressed his concern that another two, possibly three rainy seasons will pass without the dam having the capacity to accumulate enough water.

Basson confirmed that the department will no longer make use of outside contractors as a decision was made by the Minister of Water and Sanitation to utilise the dam construction unit of the department instead.

“Financially it makes perfect sense to utilise the in house construction unit, as it is not a profit driven company as opposed to an outside contractor,” the Shadow Minister explained.

“The plans have been drawn up and two months ago the project has been costed, so we are just waiting for the Minister to give the go ahead,” Basson said.

The proposed total cost of the project is in the region of R250 million and an amount of R80 million is available on the current financial year’s budget.

The esimated time period for completion of the project is 18 months.

“I am meeting with the Minister on October 9, after which i will be able to give you more information,” Basson continued. Basson said that he will endeavour to get Minister Nkwinthi to visit the site in order to speed up the process.

LETABA HERALD will keep you posted on further developments.

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