Paint Pot turns a whopping 30

The story begins in 1988 when the founders of Paint Pot, Chris and Lana Muller opened a store in Peace Street, Tzaneen on September 16, and moved from Polokwane to Tzaneen to manage it.

They started off by selling several different products like gas, paraffin, general hardware with the main product being paint.

Their passion was paint, having had their own paint factory in Polokwane.

They knew and believed in quality and value for money.

In 1993 het hulle seun Anton Muller, nadat hy sy studies voltooi het, by hulle aangesluit.

Deur die jare het hulle by die Paint Pot leuse gehou soos deur sy oorlede pa neergelê & uitgeleef is:

“Ons verkoop goeie verf goedkoop, nie goedkoop verf nie.”

“Ons is trots daarop dat ons van toeka af tot nou toe, ons nog steeds toespits op kwaliteit, waarde vir geld en kliente diens.”

Gedurende 1995 verskuif Paint Pot Tzaneen na die huidige perseel, 56 Boundarystraat, Tzaneen.

Met die vinnige groei van die besigheid moes daar gedurende 2010 noodgedwonge uitbreidings aangegaan word en aanbouings het plaasvind.

Die aansig en grootte van die huidige gebou het drasties verander en die winkel vloer-oppervlak is tans 900 vk meter.

In 2011 vind nog veranderings plaas en voeg hulle die kuns afdeling by.

Paint Pot huisves die kunsafdeling vir n jaar en groei so geweldig dat dit moes verskuif na 54 Boundary straat – voorheen bekend as Kunsraamwerke, langs Paint Pot Tzaneen.

In 2003 Paint Pot Giyani was opened.

Paint Pot Giyani has expanded and literally burst its seams over the past 15 years, as a result of implementing Paint Pot’s motto of ‘Best Client Service & Best Quality’.
Initially they occupied a small shop in the Giyani Shopping Centre, but with the vast expansion they moved next door to a space double the size, in the same shopping centre.

Die familie besigheid het tot nuwe hoogtes gegroei en Paint Pot Polokwane open sy deure in September 2005.
Met die aanhoudende klientegroei en uitbreiding moes hulle Paint Pot Polokwane gedurende 2015 verskuif na die huidige perseel, op die hoek van Nikkel & Kobalt strate in Superbia, met n vloerspasie van 1,850 vk meter.

Die uitbreiding het gelei na meer gespesialiseerde dienste.

Hulle gesofistikeerde kunsafdeling bied gereelde klasse aan vir oud & jonk.

In 2017 the family business spread their wings and opened the very first Prominent Paints franchise store in Midrand.

The key success of the Prominent Paints Midrand branch is excellent customer service.

They focus on paint specification, onsite quotations for houses and townhouse complexes, excellent colour matching and tinting is their speciality .

They focus on larger projects which include complexes, shopping centres etc, in order to provide their customers with their 30 years of expertise on good prices and quality paint.

They will transform your house into a home.

Graag wil hulle as ‘n groep al hulle getroue & nuwe kliente hartlik bedank vir almal se ondersteuning deur al die jare.

“Sonder ons kliente kan ons nie bestaan nie.”

To all their loyal clients, old and new, a hearty thank you for your support through all these years.

Without the customers, Paint Pot’s efforts would be fruitless.

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