Career expo for young learners

Vantshwa Va Xivono in partnership with Strong Women of Faith (SWOF) hosted a career expo for Grade 7, 8 and 9 on Saturday at Bankuna School Hall. 

In its second year of running, the expo offered more information and there was greater use of technology for information dissemination.

Representing the circuit manager, Pestallozi Rikhotso, encouraged the organisers to keep up the good work as initiatives like these are very important.

He further encouraged the learners to absorb all the information on offer as it will help them in the future.

The first part of the programme highlighted a wide pool of available career opportunities and the structure of the National senior certificate framework.

The first session concluded with awareness that there are entry requirements to tertiary institution studies.

Also read: TZANEEN: Career expo with a difference

The second part of the Exhibition allowed learners to walk around the different faculty stations and receive detailed information.

The organisers see the expo as important because Grade 9 is where learners can start to make sensible subject choices leading to Grade 10 where those subject choices must align with their preferred post school programme.

Having learners that choose the correct subject streams at an early stage could positively contribute to a higher matric pass rate in the future because it is a big concern that some learners only realise in Grade 12 that their chosen subjects do not allow them to apply for their preferred field of study.

Learners who attended the Vatshwa va Xivono Career Expo in Bankuna High School with their goodies bags

A total number 192 learners from the following schools honoured the occasion; Dan Primary School, Hudson Ntsanwisi Secondary School, Ritavi Primary School, Merensky High School, Nkowankowa Primary School, Bombeleni Primary School, Charles Mathosi Secondary School, Bankuna High school, DZJ Mtebule Secondary School, Zivuko Secondary School, Progress Secondary School and Magoza Secondary School.

The exhibition ended with refreshments sponsored by Premjee& Son and Shoprite through Take My Hand Organisation.

DJ Dzunisani assisted with sound whilst Vusi Tshabalala kept the learners on their feet through educational Ice breakers with Princess Amukelani Rikhotso providing motivation of the day.

Through various programs such as Career expos and initiatives that encourage learners to take care of themselves, Vantshwa Va Xivono has over the past eight years helped disadvantaged youth improve their lives and areas in which they reside through fundraising initiatives.

Strong Women of Faith(SWOF) is a non-profit organisation that is led by women from Nkowa-Nkowa Township in Tzaneen, Limpopo province.

The organisation was formed in 2003 with the sole purpose of empowering young women within Nkowa-Nkowa Township extending to the rest of the Limpopo Province.

Every learner that attended was assisted with individual information that empowered them to make informed decisions. In 2018 every learner received a comprehensive package of prospectus from the different tertiary institutions in South Africa.

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