KNP: Second drone user does not get life ban

Yet another visitor to the Kruger National Park (KNP) was caught in the act of illegally flying a drone last week.

This, barely a month after a man’s decision to disobey the rules cost him dearly when he was banned from the KNP for life for operating a drone.

I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the man open his car door

There is, however, a difference; the latest perpetrator might escape with a slap on the wrist.

Read: KNP: Day visitor detained after flying drone in Park

Andrew Pickles, a regular visitor to the park, came across the visitor at a lion sighting between Letaba and Satara camps last Wednesday.

“I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the man open his car door. What’s more, he gets out of his vehicle, puts his drone on the floor and sends it up in the air to get a closer look at the lion,” said Pickles.

He took a photo and a video, and reported the incident to the nearest camp, Satara, and added the photo on social media. He had in the meanwhile fell victim to victimisation and had to remove the footage.

For the full article on The Lowvelder’s website, click on: Second drone user does not get life ban

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