Unicorn boast with sport stars

Unicorn learners were recently awarded for excellent sport achievements.

Kyle van Tonder & Talent Ndadzibaya.
Pippa Wood – Most promising junior girl hockey player.
Mika Jones – Junior cross country Victrix Ludorum.
PG Botes – most promising junior boy hockey player and was the Junior cross country Victor Ludorum.
Devon Coad – Best senior hockey boy of the year.
Max Mathebula – Best cross country beginner boy.
Front, from left: Olivia Drewett, Shiriri Baloyi, and Tumi Kgapane. Middle: Isabella Drewett, Ntsakisi Shingange, and Cara Prinsloo. Back: Devon Coad.
Christian Krüger – Most improved senior boy hockey player.
Juniors: Nsovo Mabila and Tia Maloba – Most improved junior girl hockey players.
Ella van Rensberg – Best cross country beginner girl.
Ntsakisi Shingange & Palesa Sambo – Most improved senior girls hockey players.
Stefan Hacker – Best tennis player 2017.
Nicholas Boyum – Most improved junior boy hockey player.
Gomane Mojela – Best senior hockey girl of the year.
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