HOEDSPRUIT: Protrack hosts workshop on helicopter etiquette

The ground tracking team was taught the critical role of a helicopter to help fight poaching.

Flying for Rhino and Conservation Trust together with Wild Skies Aviation and Protrack anti poaching teams had a workshop on Wednesday, November 8.

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The ground tracking team was taught the critical role of a helicopter to help fight poaching which also incorporated the dogs trained to assist them combat poaching.

“The helicopter is either used to spot the poacher or to suppress them from evading the tracking team. Once the poacher see the helicopter they usually go and hide the helicopter in the air will keep the suppressed then the dogs on the ground will go in and detect them,” said Rob Timcke of Flying For Rhino and Conservation Trust.

A member of one of the anti poaching teams navigating the helicopter back in.

This exercise will aid the tracking team finding direction on the ground and also be able to direct a helicopter which will assist them in their successful outcome.

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“All our pilots have had to have experience in ground operation, because a pilot must understand what the ground unit is going through. We are hoping to also teach the tracking team how to not bring in the helicopter too early as it is limited and might result in breaking to refuel and this will compromise our mission,” concluded Timcke.

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