VIDEO: Mother of “rape church” victim collapses outside court

UPDATE: The prophet accused of raping four minors remains in police custody.

A 32 year old prophet who has been accused of rape, has seen his case postponed after appearing in a jam-packed Lenyenye Magistrate Court this morning.

The man allegedly raped four girls, who were ushers at his church in Burgesdorp Village outside Tzaneen, aged between 12 and 16.

READ: AUDIO: Lay pastor allegedly rapes minors coming to pray 

Members of the community and congregants of the church came in support of the victims, with some threatening to leave the church for good.
VIDEO: Mother of minor who was allegedly raped by a prophet collapses outside court 
 One of the mothers of the victims could not hold her emotions and told the Herald she had trusted him with her child.
“As from today I am no longer a member of that church, we cannot let people ruin the name of God,” said one of the enraged former congregants of the church.
Prophet Confidence Monyela of Fire Prophetic Ministry will appear again in court on August 29 for a formal bail application.
Also read: TZANEEN: Man arrested for alleged rape of children
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