
UPDATE: Randzu’s family wants justice after her brutal murder

"Who ever said that when you kill someone and sell their body parts and become rich has destroyed our communities...'

The Minister of Public Services and Administration Faith Muthambi has condemned ritual killings.

She was speaking during her visit to the family of Rhandzu Manganyi (16) who was found murdered in the Shingwedzi river on Tuesday July 7 in Gumbani Village outside  Malamulele.

According to her, the community should work together with the police to end this killings.

Listen to the police report:

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“As the government we are so touched by the high rate of killings of are women and children in our communities.  We call upon all traditional leaders,  traditional healers,  pastors and community members to work together to fight this sickness. ” said Muthambi.

Minister Faith Muthambi with Manganyi family.

“Our children no longer plays safe on our communities.  We grew up knowing that every child is our children but nowadays those morals are gone. We also grew up sleeping outside but this days we can’t because we can be killed, ” she said.

” Who ever said that when you kill someone  and sell their body parts and become rich has destroyed our communities, ” she added.

Muthambi was accompanied by traditional leaders and healers and local pastors.

Local Chief, Hosi Richard Chauke of Mukhomi Village, said that as traditional leadership they are touched by the high rate of killing of women and children.

“As traditional council we condemn the the ritual killings of our women and children. Our children are the ones who we are looking up to for when they get educated. They will oneday help to develop our communities,” he said.

” We were hoping that Rhandzu will  be a doctor or Engineer so that she helps develop the community and her family as it is a poverty stricken family.  They are 10 family members sharing one hut, ” said Chauke

Moses Shiavambu, family spokesman said that the family we are deeply touched by the passing of our children and that they hope that perpetrators will be arrested and be brought to book.

” We are saddened by the passing of Rhandzu and we want justice to prevail,” said Shiavambu.

Rhandzu Manganyi was a grade 6 student at Hlawulekani Primary School . She was found dead with her private parts been removed.

Minister Faith Muthambi greeting mourners.

School principal, Lawrence Hlungwani described her as a disciplined child who always showed respect to her teaches .

“The school are touched by the tragic passing of one of our learners who was very respectful and a hardworking child.  We want who ever is responsible to be arrested and rot in jail, ” he added.

Malamulele police spokesman Warrant Officer Alson Mapindhane has condemned the ritual killings in Malamulele area.

“The police condemn this killings and we are asking for the community to work with us to bring this perpetrators to book,” said Mapindhane

# A 18 years old girl was reentry found dead in a bush in Mukhomi Village, with her jeans and underwear lying next to the body of burned body.

# A girl was found dead in Hlanganani Village with her body parts been removed and this caused outrage in the community.

# A man was found dead after he was last seen asking for a lift from the principal in Maphophe Village outside Malamulele.

# A boy was found dead in Shigalo village holding a R50 in his hands and body parts

Also read:

PHALABORWA: Missing teenage girl’s body found on Women’s Day

Giyani: Body of missing woman found, four suspects arrested

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