TZANEEN: Company still has the same taste for life

Letaba Herald went as a 'Patron' and observe that Misty River Spur lives up to the company's slogan, " Spur a Taste for life, and the place to be.'

Spur got a whole new slogan, ironically enough on Human Rights Day, which could as well be translated into, Go to Spur and get a ‘klap’ in your face.

This was not the place to be, on the infamous fatal Tuesday March 21.

A video of the argument, which threatened to turn violent, has been widely shared on social media and spread like wildfire, and the racist card was once again the Joker of the pack.

In the video, a man tells a woman to discipline a child he claims hit one of his children. The man later threatens to slap the woman.

Every Spur in South Africa felt the damage, with absurd rumors of boycotting all Spur franchises, and even fake news articles on social media that the person in the video was set alight and killed.

Tzaneen’s Misty River Spur, felt the punch too.

On a visit there by Letaba Herald, the parking area was abandoned with only a few cars, and only one patron enjoying a beer.

On Friday, March 24 it seemed that the Tzaneen Spur’s buzz was picking up and over lunchtime, locals were sitting around, enjoying the atmosphere, young and old alike.

Although neither the owners nor the managers have instruction from Spur’s head office not to speak to the media, word had it, that the owners of Misty River Spur, will not tolerate such behavior as reported on almost every national social media web page and daily newspaper sites.

Letaba Herald went as a ‘Patron’ and observe that Misty River Spur lives up to the company’s slogan, ” Spur a Taste for life, and the place to be.’

‘I heard that the owner said to someone that they will never allow such behavior. It is a family restaurant and at the end of the day, all patrons are welcome in their rainbow colors to enjoy a fun time here,’ a waiter, who wish to stay anonymous, got the courage to tell Letaba Herald.

‘We are making jokes about it when costumers confront us. We all are making fun of it, and move on. There is no time to play the ugly anti-race card game anymore.’

Letaba Herald gathered that the Tzaneen Spur employs about 78 people.

In such an economic unstable time, where work is scarce, incidents like this can cost people their jobs.

‘If there are no patrons, who is going to pay our salaries and where must we find work? We love working at Spur. We are one big family, and dont need negative people entering our workplace to put everyone’s jobs on the line,’ the waiter said.

Mark Farrely, Chief Operating Officer of Spur said in a statement issued to all media houses:

‘ You must be proud that this is your elected “poster boy” and an individual for whom you feel both pity and outrage? To be frank, I am confused why this person now acts as a microcosm for all the injustices of this country and as such requires your stalwart defense. A defense which has been proven inaccurate on numerous fronts; a picture of this “man’s” child posted on social media with a slap mark across her face was factually proven to be from an incident which took place years ago overseas, needless to say it sparked the outrage that it no doubt intended to, in South Africa.

The truth is the video footage from 3 cameras in the play canyon has been viewed by two independent media houses (News24 and Citypress) both of which released media articles confirming the video evidence does not depict the abuse which is claimed to have been inflicted on the “man’s” daughter by a so called 10 year old boy. In fact the footage shows two 5 year old girls and no signs of distress.

Let me ask you a question, if this large aggressive man leaned over and grabbed-or more accurately dragged your child from behind the table you were sitting, and in front of a bunch of terrified infants, then surged forward aggressively attempted to slap you or your partner/wife, how would you react? I am a father and I don’t know if I would have had the restraint that this woman displayed had this bully grabbed one of my children. Please consider this in the light of the woman’s inflamed reaction, which incidentally she has publically apologised for, yet this “man” remains an unapologetic enigma.

I do not like people who abuse women or children and I would expect the same of all South Africans, though sadly we know this is not the case.

I too feel anger and resentment about much that happens in this country but blaming Spur for these wrongs, is ridiculous. We have been openly welcoming of all since 1967!

I recognise that your perception is your reality but in this instance, the reality is punishing our innocent franchisees (Spurs are individually owned, not corporate owned) and using our homegrown South African brand as the sacrificial alter of your anger, based on the disgusting violent behavior of one individual in one Spur Steak Ranch is unfair and wrong.

Lastly, those anonymous “heroes” who posted of our colleagues and their children and wives, with threats of harm and “we know where you live”, well I am sure most of you would agree that this is neither brave nor acceptable, and in my personal opinion, despicable.

There is a lot of hurt in this country so let’s rather pull together as South Africans and try to heal wounds as opposed to fanning flames of racial grievance and attacking innocent homegrown companies responsible for the employment of thousands across all racial spectrum.”

Tzaneen Misty River Spur is waiting to welcome all with open arms.

The only ‘klap’ you will get is a high five from your waiter, staff and management.

Also read:

TZANEEN: Friends and family say farewell to Spur star

TZANEEN: Accident claims life of Spur manager

BURGER BUST: Spur surprises Letaba Herald


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