VIDEO: Dineo’s coming, be prepared

VIDEO: If you haven’t been living under a rock, then by now you should know that Cyclone Dineo has already reached Mozambique. It is well on course for South Africa, more specifically the Lowveld region in Limpopo. Watch the video as the tropical storm lashes Mozambique. We also provided a few precautionary tips and measures you should carry out to prevent major loss of life or damage to property due to heavy rainfall.

It is well on course for South Africa, more specifically the Lowveld region in Limpopo.

Heavy rains and high winds can often lead to major devastation and destruction, especially in areas where landslides can occur rather easily.

With the cyclone on its way, Letaba Herald would like to provide a few precautionary tips and measures you should carry out to prevent major loss of life or damage to property.

Watch the video-Tropical Storm Lashes Mozambique

Before and during heavy rainfall and high winds:

IMAGE: VentuSky

After heavy rainfall and high winds:

As we are in such a sloped area with soft topsoil, be aware of anything that seems untoward about the landscape such as missing trees that were there the day before, as well as any bulges in the soil; as these are usual signs before a landslide.

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