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#feesmustfall V/S #justlove…you decide!

VIDEO: What ever the reason behind this video initiative...Rynaard did put the message out there...

Rynaard De Goede, a Bcom student and North West University (NWU) posted a video on YouTube, Friday October 14.

And what a message…

“Love does not cause division. Love does not label. Love does not decimate. Love knows no boundaries. Love overcomes all. “

Watch the video:

Letaba Herald asked Deepa Kesa, currently a second year student at Rhodes University, and an old Merensky High school pupil from Tzaneen, what her thoughts were about the video:

Mariska de la Rey, Gr12 learner in Ben Vorster High School and also a SRC member of the school, are jetting of to NWU next year for her studies.

Mariska de la Rey. Photo: Facebook
Mariska de la Rey. Photo: Facebook

“To go to University is a privilege. The video is an example of good camaraderie of students studying at the same institution. If everyone comes forward with the ‘more-love-towards-each-other’ approach….all issues will be quicker resolved….”

What ever the reason behind this initiative of Rynaard, he did put the message out there for all students, new first years and for the whole of our rainbow nation: “Love does not cause division. Love does not label. Love does not decimate. Love knows no boundaries. Love overcomes all.”

To all the students and gr12 learners, the end is near….all the best for the last stretch.

And you, yes you who are reading this right now….go out and show some love!

Letaba Herald is still waiting for response from De Goede, we will keep you posted…

Rynaard De Goede. Photo: Facebook





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