
‘Dead guns’ to be reported – SAPS

'It is illegal to be in possession of a firearm registered to a deceased person...'

The Provincial Firearm Liquor and Second Hand Goods Unit (FLESH) is making a special appeal to all the licensed firearm owners and their families.

‘When the license holder passes on, family members must report the existence of the firearm to their local Police Station immediately for safekeeping,’ Col Moatshe Ngoepe said

Ngoepe stated that it is illegal to be in possession of a firearm registered of a deceased person.

‘These types of firearms often end up in the hands of criminals,’ Ngoepe said.

The South African Firearm Act must be complied with by all citizens without exception.

Firearm owners are advised to handle their firearms in accordance with the prescripts of the firearm act. The Firearm must be kept  in the safe or on the waist of the owner with the  prescribed holster at all times and firearms should only be kept as stipulated,’ Ngoepe said.

Any loss of firearm including theft must be reported to the Police immediately.

Also read:

Traffic officers in court for possession of unlicensed firearm.

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