Petrol price set to be a pain in the pump

Motorists can brace themselves for a petrol and diesel price hike on Wednesday.

The Department of Energy has announced that the petrol price will increase by 44 cents on Wednesday.

Letaba Herald spoke to Annetjie Wolmarans, a resident at a petrol station in Tzaneen.

” I am disapointed, now I am going to have less money for groceries. It is very depressing,’ she said.

Another motorist was unaware of the petrolprice hike, and in dismay told the Letaba Herald, ‘I did not know that, ouch.’

And ‘ouch’ it will be.

The retail price of petrol, 93 octane will increase by 44 cents per litre and that of 95 octane by 43c per litre.

The wholesale price of diesel, 0.05% sulphur and 0.005% sulphur, will increase by 23c per litre, while the wholesale price of illuminating paraffin will increase by 22c per litre.

The single maximum national retail price of illuminating paraffin (SMNRP) will increase by 30c per litre and the maximum retail price for LPGAS will go up by 58c per kilogram.

According to the department, the economic factors which impacted fuel prices in September included an increase in the average international product prices of petrol, diesel and illuminating paraffin.

Source: BusinessTech

Also read:

Infographic: The price of petrol from 1986 to 2016

Petrol price DECREASE, trick or treat?






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