
Video: ANCWL protest outside court-murder accused denied bail

A 73 year-old man accused of killing his wife with the help of his grandson was denied bail at the Ritavi Magistrate Court on Thursday.

Johannes Ratshilingana appeared briefly before the magistrate for his bail application.

The incident happened in March this year in his home in Nkowankowa township.

Members of the community including the ANC Women’s League (ANCWL) came in their numbers protesting against the bail approval.

Watch the video:

“He is a danger to the community, the family and even to himself,”said Dr Gloria Setshedi a sister to the deceased, when asked to state reasons for bail refusal.

Magistrate Zain Moosa, refused to grant Ratshilingana bail stating that he fears for his safety as the community and the family are still angry and his life could be in danger.

Ratshilingana will remain in police custody and will appear in court again on September 30.


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