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I,m a single mom, and a celebrity in my child’s eyes

When the Letaba Herald asked me to write a short piece on being a single Mom, I wasn't too sure what I would write?

But then I thought of taking the 8 years of experience that I have and sharing my thoughts with you.

Being a Single Mom in Tzaneen, or anywhere for that matter, is not for the faint hearted.

But all I can say, is that God knows who to choose and He will get you through it!

The best part of being a single mom is… Twice the love, twice the hugs, twice the kisses and most of all, there are only one set of rules!

But it is twice as hard to see your child cry, twice as hard to see them get hurt (physically and emotionally) and twice as hard to let them go!

Single-motherhood is hard work and you deserve time off!

Don’t feel guilty, you deserve it!

Don’t obsess about things you can’t control.

Focus on what you can control and be the best parent you are capable of being.

Don’t be shy to “Congratulate” yourself!

No one is going to give you a high-five or pat on the back when your child is finally potty-trained or when you teach your child to tie their own shoe laces.

I smile proudly when I see my child share his toys or replace a little girl’s popped balloon with another one or be the first to help when a friend gets hurt.

All the times my child says “Please” and “Thank-you”, that was persistence, I did it all, I deserve the recognition!

As a single parent, it is even more important to be prepared.

That pack of wet wipes in the car, the extra set of clothes, the snack or juice and making sure their favourite Snoggytoy is always around.

Multitasking can be a challenge, depending on the age of your child.

I don’t try and do it all myself anymore, I have taught my child how to use the washing machine, pack the dishwasher, clean up his own mess, water the plants and pack his own toys away.

Make them feel worthy!

Compliment them and tell them you are PROUD OF THEM!

Only you can build your child’s self-esteem, teach them what is right and wrong and show them love so they can give love!

Every child is like a sponge, they do what they see and say what they hear… So think twice! Remember…Take a step back every now and then and be grateful for all your blessings. Your child is a gift given to you, so make the best of every situation.

You can do this!

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