BURGER BUST: Spur surprises Letaba Herald

Misty River Spur's mascot escaped during lunch hour to surprise Letaba Herald's staff at their offices .

We have a taste for life, as well as a taste for Spur’s flame grilled burgerliciousness.

Unfortunately, due to bad burger planning, Letaba Herald can never enjoy the Spur Burger special on Mondays, as our deadline is set in stone every Monday.

Burger Bust by Misty River Spur at Letaba Herald.

‘When this man approached the news room, with this furry walking creature behind him , I thought, oh no, don’t tell me this man is coming in with some strange story or another about someone trying to earn a extra buck or two at children’s parties but was attacked by 20 nine year old sugar loaded terror dumplings,’ added Bertus de Bruyn.

Thank you Misty River Spur, for helping us on this Friday afternoon by feeding our news, advert and admin faces with some delicious burgers.


Thank-you to Yolandi Muller and Hendrik Hancke for the nomination!



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