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BREAKING NEWS: Kruger Park helicopter experience engine failure

A KNP helicopter experienced a power loss and engine failure yesterday and was forced to carry out an immediate emergency landing.

One of the Kruger National Park (KNP) helicopters with three park officials on board went looking for two rhinos, which were believed to be outside the Park west of Orpen Gate yesterday (18 August 2015).

The female rhino and her calf were observed outside the park; and a helicopter was dispatched to locate the animals in order to guide the Game Capture team on the ground.

The team was still searching for the animals, when the helicopter suddenly experienced a power loss and engine failure. The pilot was forced to carry out an immediate emergency landing which he did successfully with no injuries or further damage to the aircraft.

“We are grateful that our employees are all safe and no one was hurt; even grateful that the game capture team managed to recover the animals and ensure their safe return to the park. A special commendation goes out to the Pilot; who under critical circumstances, managed to land the aircraft safely;” concluded the KNP’s Managing Executive, Mr Glenn Phillips.

The helicopter is currently being inspected to determine the cause of the engine failure.

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