What is a woman?

Lino de Carvalho's opinion on women:

When asked this, I did what most men do, I Googled it and in 0,016 seconds I had 215 000 000 results, incredible !!!!!!

It led me to realise something immediately, a Woman is a very complex being.

“Being a woman is a terribly difficult task, since it consists principally in dealing with men” –JOSEPH CONRAD

“As usual, there is a great woman behind every idiot’-JOHN LENNON

So the question is , what do I see as a great woman behind me ???

A woman must be a child of God, she must choose God’s way at every opportunity, commit herself to God daily, and cultivate a heart for God.

A woman must possess a beautiful nature.

A woman must be my best friend

A woman must be gentle, patient, generous, loyal and loving.

A woman must take pride in herself and her appearance.

A woman must be a lioness, a queen, who stands next to her man and fights all battles together with her man.

A woman must be a communicator.

A woman will be a mother, a home builder, an educator and a nurturer.

A woman must teach her children.

A woman must be a role model for her daughter.

One thing that a woman must not be, is “”barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen”””

A woman is strong, independent, powerful, ambitious, committed, and most importantly, an essential ingredient to the wellbeing of a home.

I cannot survive without my “WOMAN””

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