UPDATE: Phalaborwa rampage keeps on intensifying

Shortly after three trucks and two vans were torched on Sunday evening by angry Ba-Phalaborwa residents at Makhushane / Mica fourways, a white Toyota Corolla was torched this morning (Wednesday) on the R71 near Two Mountains mortuary.

A silver Toyota sedan is still parked outside the R71 some 300 metres away from Two Mountains, having hit a tree last night as the driver was trying to escape the angry mob.

There are unconfirmed reports that Makhushane Traditional Authority offices were also burnt down last night while their Chief Andries Malatji’s homestead is the next target as he is alleged to be directing police officers to shoot, assault and arrest his subjects.

Schooling in the two townships and villages has been temporarily stopped while Namakgale Crossing still hasn’t resumed operations since yesterday. Two taxis were also stoned next to Namakgale Stadium yesterday in the afternoon.

An hour ago, angry residents locked gates at Mopani South East TVET College, Sir Van Duncan Campus in Namakgale and ordered all students and staff to leave the premises. Police quickly responded with rubber bullets.

The owner of the Boelang shop looted on Sunday evening has since passed away allegedly from a  heart attack upon receiving the terrible news.

There is currently a high level government and stakeholders meeting held at Foskor’s Moshate offices in Phalaborwa in a bid to calm the tense and volatile situation.

Unconfirmed reports suggest that PC is currently evacuating all employees in the mine after National Union of Mine workers and its members resolved during a meeting held at Namakgale Town Hall yesterday that workers wont report for duty under the current situation.

According SAP provincial spokesperson the situation is tense.


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