WARNING: Video-Aggressive hippo’s at Tzaneen dam

It came as a shock when a resident, who walks her dogs close to the damwall every afternoon, came to Letaba Herald to warn residents of how dangerous hippos really are.

Hippos are active and extremely aggressive at the Tzaneen dam.

Most people are aware of the recent sightings of hippos and their calves.

Tzaneen residents are familiar with the damwall and surrounding areas, whether it’s going for a jog, walk with the dogs or fishing, but not with the hippos there.

These activities are prohibited at the Tzaneen dam.

On Wednesday afternoon the resident’s dog was attacked by one of the hippos.

The person said it happened so quick, the hippo was still under the water and the next moment it attacked her dog.

The dog is still at the vet but survived the attack.

On Monday the dog owner took a video of how close a hippo came to the damwall.

There is however, a big sign next to the damwall that says no dogs are allowed.

Residents are also not allowed to swim or fish.

Children are very curious and wouldn’t think twice to see these animals up close.

Be cautious and aware and parents must be warned.

Hippos are known to be aggressive when mothering their calves and would attack without any warning would someone dare come close.

A hippo and crocodile warning sign at the Tzaneen dam
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