Local school gets an upgrade

Dan Primary School officially launched their grade R and grade 1 class last Friday.

The classes will commerce in January 2016 but admission is open now for all learners.

The school is situated in Dan Village and it started in the early 60’s.

It has produced the former premier of Limpopo Cassel Mathale and other high profile people.

It is said the school is faced with a threat of being closed due to less enrolment.

Before the grade R and grade 1 classes were launched the school only catered for grade 5-7 learners.

For many years the schools use to rely on Nwaxindzhele Primary School for learners who passed their grade 4.

Now that N’waxindzhele is upgrading, Dan will no longer receive grade 5 learners.

As of next year Dan Primary will admit learners from grade R, 1, 5, 6 and 7 and in 2017 they will admit the remaining grades 2, 3 and 4.

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