Safari guide attacked by a leopard in Kruger Park

A field guide working for one of the Open Safari Vehicle (OSV) companies operating in the Kruger National Park was attacked by a leopard on Thursday during a game drive.

The incident happened just after 13:00 at Alfa Loop on the H4-1 road just outside the Skukuza Camp.

According to a eye witnesses, the guide was with about 6-8 tourists on his OSV and watching the leopard some two meters from the vehicle.

The animal cunningly disappeared, probably went around the guide’ (driver)’s side while the group was still searching for it.

The guide had relaxed on the OSV when suddenly the leopard leapt and grabbed his arm, trying to jump into the vehicle.

Everybody in the OSV started hitting the leopard with any object they had with them.

The leopard would not let go of the guide’s arm, until a tourist from another vehicle rushed and repeatedly used his vehicle to scare off the animal.

The leopard eventually let go.

“We would like to thank the tourist from another vehicle for his quick and decisive action as he saved the guide and tourists’ lives. It is suspected that the leopard was fighting with another one as its hind was badly injured; the other leopard was spotted in the area watching from a distance,” said GM: Communications and Marketing, William Mabasa.

A resident medical doctor has since treated the guide for injuries.

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