SPCA warns Tzaneen residents

THE SPCA warns residents that your pets are your responsibility and that you must control them.

If you own pets, be sure that your animals are safe and confined. If you own pets, be sure that your property is fenced. If not your animals might be at risk of being hit by a vehicle.

When the situation occurs, causing your dog attacking passers by your property, you will be liable for costs involving injury of damage caused by your dog.

Please be aware of the following legislation and be a responsible pet owner.

The Animals matters ammendment act 1993 states: 1.(1) Any person as a result of whose negligence an animal causes injury to another person, shall be guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding 2 years.

The following Municipal Bylaws apply:

Chapter 4 (13) dogs not allowed in public or onto other properties.

13(1). No owner may permit his or her dog to be at large in a street or public place unless it is kept on a leash chain or other type of harness and under control of a person.

13(2). No owner may permit his or her dog to escape onto other properties.

13(3). No owner may permit any dog which is dangerous or vicious or suffering from any contagious or infectious disease, or any bitch on heat, to be in a public place.

14.Warning to visitors: Owners are required to place a warning at the entrance of the property where a dog is kept to warn visitors about the presence of the dog.

15(1). No person may, (a) Set a dog upon any person or animal; or (b) Permit any dog in his or her custody, charge or possession to attack or terrify any person or animal.

18 (1) Council Officers and Officers appointed by council, may at any reasonable time and without notice enter any premises for the purpose of enforcing these by-laws.

(2) No person may obstruct , hinder, refuse of fail to give information; or may give false information to any such officer in the course of such investigation.

20. Penalties Any person contravening any of the provisions of these by-laws is guilty of an offence and liable, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding R2000-00 or in default of payment, to imprisonment for a period not exceeding three months, or to both the fine and imprisonment.

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