Service delivery protest suspended

The service delivery protests in Muhlava area outside Nkowankowa have been suspended pending a meeting with the Executive Mayor of Mopani District Municipality.

Residents of Sasekani, JB and Muhlava Cross villages took to the streets last Wednesday after the Mopani District Municipality reneged on its promise to respond to their demands for water supply by May 6.

They barricaded the R36 road with burning tyres, stones and various other objects in protest against the lack of clean running water in the area.

The protesters say they are tired of sharing dirty water with animals. According to residents’ task team leader, Ivin Shiridza, residents agreed to suspend the service delivery protests last Friday after the Executive Mayor of Mopani District Municipality, Nkakareng Rakgoale promised to meet with the community this week and give a progress report with regards to solving a water shortage problem in the area.

The Mopani District Municipality spokesperson, Neil Shikwambana said the municipality remains committed to solving water shortage problems at the Muhlava area.

“Even before the protests start, the Mopani District Municipality had appointed service providers to fix the broken and vandalised water infrastructure in the area to ensure that water shortages problems in the area are solved,” said Shikwambana.

He said the district municipality has also dispatched a team of additional technicians to the area who will augment the work done by service providers to expedite the process of restoring water in the area.

Executive Mayor, Rakgoale was due to meet all community stakeholders in the affected villages at the time of going to press.

Meanwhile, police spokesperson, Lieutenant Colonel Moatshe Ngoepe said scores of people were arrested during the service delivery protests but only two were charged with public violence.

“While the rest of the arrested suspects have been released the duo will appear in the Ritavi Magistrate’s Court soon,” said Ngoepe.

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