First aid training conducted

CHoiCe Trust conducted a child minder/nanny first aid training in Tzaneen last week.

CHoiCe Trust conducted a child minder/nanny first aid training in Tzaneen last week.

According to the training instructor, the two-session course covers drowning, choking, bleeding, burns and broken bones, all carried out in a fun and practical manner – with videos and all the skills being practiced, either on dummies or on each other!.

“Not only do very few child minders have access to a first aid bag or even gloves, but some of them could not give directions to their places of employment,” said Macdonald.

She said that in an emergency, the first few minutes are often the most important. “Knowing that medical help is on its way can go a long way to ensuring that the first aid care given is good enough,” she said.

She said that emergency services report that often people put the phone down before they have given enough detail and then help cannot get where it is needed.

“In this course, time is spent on knowing who and how to phone, and then the care that needs to be given in those first few important minutes,” she explained.

At the end of the two-day training, the learners were issued certificates of completion from CHoiCe Trust.

“Thank you, now I know that I will not be helpless if something happens,” said Francina Ratabala, one of the child minders who received first aid training.

Each participant received a pair of gloves, a mouth piece for carrying out Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and a certificate at the end of training.

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