Unknown man shot dead outside Tzaneen

A body of a man in his late twenties was discovered on Sunday next to Nelson Ramodike High School between Marumofase and Nabane Villages near Lenyenye.

According to police spokesperson, Lieutenant Colonel Moatshe Ngoepe, the man was found dead with a bullet wound from the back through to his chest. Ngoepe said the body has not been identified yet.
The man is said to have been wearing a cream white shirt and a black trousers at the time of his death.
The motive behind the man’s death is still unknown at this stage and there are no suspects.
Ngoepe added that police investigations are still continuing. He said they are making a special appeal to all members of the community to come and assist in the identification of the deceased and also to assist with information which may lead to the arrest of suspects. Anyone with information is asked to contact the nearest police station or go to Maake Police Station or Major Matome Mphekgwane at 082 469 2937 or the crime stop number – 0860010111 which operates 24 hours a day.

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