Arrests after public unrest

Police in Bolobedu are investigating cases of public violence, malicious damage to property and assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm.

Police in Bolobedu are investigating cases of public violence, malicious damage to property and assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm.

This after a motorist was attacked and his car set on fire during a service delivery protest at Hlohlokwe in Bolobedu last week.

Residents blocked the road with rocks and tree branches in protest against the lack of basic service delivery.

Police spokesperson, Lieutenant-Colonel Moatshe Ngoepe said a motorist was attacked and seriously injured following an attacked by protesting villagers.

Ngoepe said the victim was removing the objects blockading the road when he was assaulted with assortment of weapons and his car was serious damaged by fire.

Ngoepe said police are following leads to arrest the perpetrators. On Monday, Ngoepe said the area was quiet but police were monitoring the situation.

Residents were demanding clean running water, the grading of streets in the village, the building of a secondary school and that the main road between Mawa and Mokwakwaila which passes through Hlohlokwe Village be upgraded from gravel to tar.

Meanwhile, residents re-opened the road after the executive mayor of Mopani District Municipality, Nkakareng Rakgoale promised residents that the water shortage problem will be addressed as a matter of urgency.

Rakgoale said the municipality has received the spare parts for the broken bore holes and that technicians will start fixing bore holes within a few days.

She said the municipality will forward the other community grievances to the relevant departments to be attended to.

A task team which comprises of the municipal officials and members of the community has been formed to speed up the process of addressing issues raised by the community.

“We are willing to work with you and we expect maximum cooperation because it is our responsibility to deliver these services and let’s adhere to the time frames agreed upon and ensure that all these matters are dealt with in a respectable manner,” said Rakgoale.

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