
News from the ‘Read With Me Foundation’

Whilst in Grade 9 in 2012, eight young girls decided to do something about the lack of a library at Glenshiel Primary School. They call themselves the Read with Me Foundation.

Whilst in Grade 9 in 2012, eight young girls decided to do something about the lack of a library at Glenshiel Primary School. They call themselves the Read with Me Foundation.

After three years of hard work, enough funds were raised to make this a reality and Mignon Erasmus found a sponsor to help with the cost of installing a wooden structure to serve as a library. Pictured here is the Foundation group on the veranda of the spacious new Glenshiel Library. Their next project is to install shelving and to fill them with books, suitable for 6 – 12 year olds.

On the to-do list as well, is to upgrade the power supply to enable Wi-Fi to be installed. Another sponsor has offered us an extra wooden building to serve as a computer/science room. It would put this farm school firmly in the computer age when all is installed and the power switched on! SLC are very proud of these young ladies.

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