Say no to women and child abuse

Tzaneen Cluster has launched the 16 Days of Activism On No Violence Against Women and Children at the United Christian Fellowship Church at Matshwi Village on Wednesday.

Tzaneen Cluster has launched the 16 Days of Activism On No Violence Against Women and Children at the United Christian Fellowship Church at Matshwi Village on Wednesday.

From November 25 until December 10 is the 16 days of activism on no violence against women and children. “We are looking at three issues this year on this launch which are rape against women and children, domestic violence and buying of stolen goods” said Lieutenant Colonel Moatshe Ngoepe. Various stakeholders were available to share their thoughts against abuse. “Let’s work together with the police to fight crime. We can not do it alone and they can not do it alone either. We need to help each other lift this huge rock that’s hiding rapists, thieves etc” said Pastor Jerry Phosa of United Christian Fellowship Church.

The community of Matshwi gathered at the church to and listened attentively to everything that was being said by the various speakers.

“When we talk about child abuse we talk about mistreating children. You will find a 9 years old child being a nanny to a six months old toddler. This is unacceptable. Women let their boyfriends abuse their children and keep quite about it because they are afraid these men will leave them. Just imagine a man sleeping with you and sleeping with your daughter as well. Women speak up and protect your children” said social worker Hlabati from Department of Social Development. The Greater Letaba Men’s Forum was also at the launch and Patrick Makwidiri, a representative from the men’s forum said “its even written in the holy book that a woman should respect a man and a man should respect a woman as well. We appeal to you as the men’s forum please let’s be men and protect our women and children”.

Stephen Ragolane from the Community Police Forum in Bolobedu had a mouthful to say as well. “We are launching this campaign here because according to statistics, it shows that this village has a high rate of child abuse,

domestic violence. This is because we have no love and respect for our women and children. We need to have effective communication so that we avoid all this abuse. Women working in companies get sexually harassed by their bosses and they keep quite because they are afraid of losing their jobs. This must come to an end” said Ragolane.

Major General Maggy Mathebula wrapped up the launch with a strong message to the community of Matswhi. “Issues of rape, domestic violence and buying stolen good are very problematic to our society. When a person steals goods they sell them to you. The reason they keep stealing is because they know they have buyers who will pay lesser prices for the stolen goods. These thieves break into your houses, get you sleeping and they end up raping you. So please stop buying stolen goods, report them to the police so that they can go to jail. Again the issue of hitch-hiking increases rape and sexual harassment. Women when going to town please use public transport. Women should also stop going to taverns and come home very late alone. Yes we know you have rights but lets not abuse those rights by putting ourselves in danger” said Mathebula. The day was a huge success and people came in large numbers to support the launching of this campaign.

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