Spokesperson tops an award

Lieutenant Colonel Moatshe Ngoepe, Tzaneen Cluster Spokesperson was honoured with the First Runner-Up Employee of the Year for 2013/2014 financial year by the South African Police Services (SAPS) at the Ranch Hotel recently.

A job well done should never go unrecognized.

Lieutenant Colonel Moatshe Ngoepe, Tzaneen Cluster Spokesperson was honoured with the First Runner-Up Employee of the Year for 2013/2014 financial year by the South African Police Services (SAPS) at the Ranch Hotel recently. Ngoepe has been serving saps since 1985 to date which marks it 29 years of selfless commitment to the department. “I grew up at Ga-Taueatswala Village in Steilloop of the Mogalakwena Municipality and I am a family man with three children. This award means a lot to me in the sense that I must always inspire the young blood in the SAPS especially on discipline, commitment and dedication” said Ngoepe. Ngoepe has been trained by the SAPS national office in the following aspects: media handling, managing policy communication in public service, saps journal correspondence writing, crisis communication management, communication train the trainer which gave him the priviledge to be able to train all the station commanders in Limpopo Province in terms of communication skills, conflict management at the workplace and business writing. He have also attended and completed more other courses such as;, suicide and para-suicide, women and child abuse course, media on human rights and protocol course just to name a few. He also attended Tecknicon South Africa and obtained qualifications on police management, community policing, investigation of crime and introduction to administration of justice. Ngoepe has been in the environment of media communication as the SAPS spokesperson for 19 years in the 29 years of his service in the department. “Media liaison officers are always on duty; either it’s a weekend or a holiday you should always be on duty because journalists call at anytime. You should ensure that the information you give to media practitioners is correct at all times and if you are not sure about what they need to know simply ask them to call you later while you investigate because speaking to a journalist you are speaking to the public. I also appeal to community members to helps us in fighting crime” strongly said Ngoepe.

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