Video: Philae lander will take images on a comet’s surface tonight

Tonight, around 6 o'clock South African time, the European Space Agency will try to land a tiny spacecraft on a comet.

Be part of this historical moment and look at the video below. According to, after touchdown on Wednesday November 12, the Philae lander will obtain the first images ever taken from a comet’s surface.

It will also drill into the surface to study the composition, and witness close up how a comet changes as its exposure to the sun varies. Philae can remain active on the surface for about two-and-a-half days.

Its mothership, the Rosetta spacecraft, will remain in orbit around the comet through 2015.

The orbiter will continue detailed studies of the comet as it approaches the sun and then move away.

View the live-streaming of this historical event here:

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